Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Site Updates

8.5.05 Linked under "Enemies List" on Made 4 the Internet

8.3.05 - Jean Schmidt finally removed the false press release from her site, despite the fact that Kirk asked her to early in the day Tuesday.

8.2.05 - Links from throughout the blogosphere as a result of this entry:

Annatopia credited me with "the debunking of this smear." The Daily Kos then linked to her and helped spread the word. Annatopia is currently down, I assume from heavy traffic.

OH-02 was the first to link to me. The site got too many hits and crashed early in the day.

Eric Minamyer admits that the press release was "in error" just hours after defending it on my comments and elsewhere.

Atrios exposed the issue to a lot of people. Someone reposted my version in the comments.

The Democratic Congressional Committee Blog picked up on the story just six hours after it broke at 9 a.m. According to the DCCC,
And yes, this is a real press release, and yes putting that out on the last day of the campaign so that nobody has a chance to blast you for it is one of the most pathetically cowardly things I've seen. Sounds a lot like Rove, not much like Paul Hacke

Apparently they weren't aware of how fast the debunking of the press release was spreading at that point.

Others that linked here include:
Mass Discussion
The Benquirer

7.30.05 - Link from New Left Blogs

7.26.05 - Link from Nix Guy.

7.25.05 - Added Forums and a Chat Room to the site. The forums will be used to store political information, opinions, and commentary in a meaningful way. The forums are a work-in-progress and will be updated daily for the time being. The Chat Room will be used in the near future to facilitate digital open discussions between candidates and voters. More information on these discussions will be available soon.

7.24.05 - Added first poll on types of content readers would like to see.

7.24.05 - Link and thumbnail from
Blog Explosion

7.24.05 - Link from Red-State.com.

7.24.05 - Link from Cincinnati Advance.

7.24.05 - Link from Planet Cincinnati. Was also added to the feed for the blog.

7.23.05 - Added candidate campaign links on right side.

7.23.05 - Link from Cincinnati TV News. Interestingly enough, Cincinnati TV News showed up just a few days after Cincinnati News, had a very similar URL, and added me to their blogroll immediately. Regardless, I'm glad to see another soldier in the battle.

7.23.05 - Link from BizzyBlog.

7.19.05 - Link from Mark Mallory campaign blog.

7.19.05 - Listed at the top of Dean of Cincinnati. RSS feed syndicated at the site as well.

7.17.05 - An idea turned into a website. Site went live Sunday AM.