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This Week in City Beat

This is a new piece that will be posted weekly by Thursday morning. In it I will briefly cover the highlights and (occasionally) lowlights of each issue of the alternative weekly Cincinnati publication, City Beat.

This week is the long awaited "endorsement issue." The front cover lists both their mayoral and council endorsements prominently.

The "World Famous, Who's Endorsing Whom?" charts can be viewed here.

John Fox wrote:
These charts provide a snapshot of the endorsement positions from area media, political action committees, parties and nonprofit groups -- and in the case of the statewide issues, we collect the endorsements of Ohio's major newspapers.

One of the best things about these charts is seeing which candidates have broad appeal (Laketa Cole and Christopher Smitherman) and which don't, which races are fairly evenly split (statewide issues 1-5) and which aren't and which issues have generated a consensus of opinion and which haven't.

We also get a kick out of seeing who's endorsed by opposing organizations, such as who's backed by both the Fraternal Order of Police and the Sentinels Police Association (Jeff Berding and ex-cops Cecil Thomas and Wendell Young) and who's endorsed by both Equality Cincinnati and Right to Life (no one).

In Porkopolis, Greg Flannery offers an interesting piece called "Neither Religious nor Right." In it he gives a good summary of a complaint filed last week against Councilman Sam Malone and Phil Burress of Citizens for Community Values. According to Flannery:
Some of the donors who anonymously contributed money to (unsuccessfully) preserve Cincinnati's anti-gay law and (successfully) pass a statewide ban on gay marriage might finally be dragged into the light.

The complaint, filed by Former Mayor Bobbie Sterne and President of Equality Cincinnati Gary Wright, says that "What we have here is a network of deception with CCV Action at its hub." I will post the hearing date when the Ohio Election Commission sets it.

Best Quote: Ben L. Kaufman in Media, Myself and I.
Be accurate and fair, correct mistakes and move on and remember that, whatever the medium, audiences require reliable, relevant information on which to base their public and private decisions.

This Modern World: How The News Works Now.

Interesting fact: Candidates with paid advertisements in the Endorsement Issue = Gerry Kraus, Jim Tarbell, Leslie Ghiz, Eve Bolton and Wendell Young (shared).

City Beat is distributed to 1450 locations every wednesday throughout Greater Cincinnati.